…documenting the minutiae that is my life

Sep 17

One Last View of Crater Lake on Flickr. Crater Lake National Park Oregon

Playing in the Snow on Flickr. My youngest playing in the snow at Crater Lake. My girls were astonished at the idea of so much snow in June.

Wizard Island on Flickr. Crater Lake National Park Oregon Wizard Island is a cinder cone which has risen above the surface of Crater Lake.

Crater Lake on Flickr. Crater Lake National Park Oregon

Built-in Browser Support for Responsive Images – HTML5 Rocks

Built-in Browser Support for Responsive Images – HTML5 Rocks Introduction to the picture element

Getting Started with CSS Shapes: Wrapping content around custom paths – HTML5 Rocks

Getting Started with CSS Shapes: Wrapping content around custom paths – HTML5 Rocks Introduction to CSS Shapes

Aug 19

CSS Guidelines

CSS Guidelines High-level advice and guidelines for writing sane, manageable, scalable CSS

Jul 14
2014 Simple examples for HTML, CSS and Javascript

Jul 1

Mount St. Helens on Flickr. Johnston Ridge Observatory Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Washington Most of the stops on our trip were inspired by my oldest daughter’s interest in volcanoes. Since the volcanoes in Hawaii were out, Mount St. Helens was an acceptable second. If you ask, Emily will tell you Mount St. Helens […]

Happy girl playing in the Pacific Ocean on Flickr. Ecola State Park Oregon One of the goals of our trip was to visit Oregon since none of us had been there before. We also planned to take the girls to view the Pacific Ocean. Indian Beach in Ecola State Park served this purpose perfectly.

My youngest poses beside a statue of Sacagawea on Flickr.

Our Junior Rangers being sworn in on Flickr.