…just wait until I really get going!

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

Daily Archive

OpenID: Too many providers, not enough consumers

OpenID: Too many providers, not enough consumers

dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide | Blue Flavor

dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide | Blue Flavor

Dead Tree, Reprise: Glacier National Park, August 2006 Another shot of this dead tree along the shore of Lake Sherburne, with which I was fascinated. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)

All Along the Watchtower: Glacier National Park, August 2006 In addition to the mountain goats we saw at Logan Pass, we watched several of these critters ( I think they are Antelope Ground Squirrels, but I am not sure). They would stand on their hind legs and squeal as we watch. As if to warn […]