And the Sun Goes Down: Yellowstone National Park, July 2006 And so the photos from my Summer 2006 vacation come to a close. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
The Sun Goes Down on the Grand Tetons: Grand Teton National Park, August 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Valley of the Moose: Grand Teton National Park, August 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Moose in a Field: Grand Teton National Park, August 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Last Rays of Sunshine: Glacier National Park, August 2006 The sun sets behind Mount Wilbur. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Apr 28 2007
Morning Light on Grinnell Point: Glacier National Park, August 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Late Afternoon in Jackson Hole: Grand Teton National Park, August 2006 Another shot from the top of Signal Mountain, showing the Snake River as it winds its way through Jackson Hole. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Clouds Over Yellowstone Lake: Yellowstone National Park, July 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Lower Falls and I: Yellowstone National Park, July 2006 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)