…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

Daily Archive

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » In Praise of WordPress Template Tags, Part II: The Magazine Layout

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » In Praise of WordPress Template Tags, Part II: The Magazine Layout

Newsflash: Time May Not Exist | Physics & Math | DISCOVER Magazine

Newsflash: Time May Not Exist | Physics & Math | DISCOVER Magazine

Labyrinth: Arches National Park, September 2001 Park rangers provide guided tours of the Fiery Furnace, as it is apparently easy to get disoriented and lost inside this complex of sandstone pinnacles. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Rachelle Waits for Me: Arches National Park, September 2001 Rachelle waited for me on the trail as I was busy photographing and taking in the scenery around us. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)