…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

July 2007

Monthly Archive

Jul 19

Landscape Arch: Arches National Park, September 2001 After hiking back to our car from Delicate Arch, we headed to the Devils Garden Trailhead to hike to Landscape Arch, which is one of the world’s longest freestanding arches. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Jul 17

Dungeon Escape!

Dungeon Escape!



Why Google is the service of choice for sploggers | Technology | Guardian Unlimited Technology

Why Google is the service of choice for sploggers | Technology | Guardian Unlimited Technology

YouTube – Trojan Horse – The Chaser

YouTube – Trojan Horse – The Chaser

A List Apart: Articles: Never Use a Warning When you Mean Undo

A List Apart: Articles: Never Use a Warning When you Mean Undo

A List Apart: Articles: Conflicting Absolute Positions

A List Apart: Articles: Conflicting Absolute Positions

Sunset in Cades Cove: Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park, June 2007 Whew! We made it. After our hike through Cades Cove, we watched a marvelous sunset. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

A Country Scene: Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park, June 2007 (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Late in the Afternoon: Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park, June 2007 (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Jul 16
2007 Article: No 3G on the iPhone, but why? A Battery Life Analysis Article: No 3G on the iPhone, but why? A Battery Life Analysis

Our Hiking Party: Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park, June 2007 The other members of my hiking party hike on ahead of me. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)