I have been remiss in not writing this post for some time. I hope this will serve as an explanation of what I have been up to, and where things will go around here in the future.
Well by now my visitors have noticed the fresh coat of paint around here. I haven’t purposefully given up on blogging though lately my time has been spent elsewhere. Or, maybe I should say, been spent with someone else. Rachelle and I had a baby girl in January, and I have been spending a lot of time lately tending to her and her mother’s needs.
Did I mention I had a baby? Emily Ann Edwards was born January 15, 2007. She even has her own blog. Mostly these days, I can be found online posting photos to Emily’s blog and to my Flickr photostream.
This site has long been a gateway to my online experience, and so I have expanded on that with this current iteration of the site. I am incorporating content from my other blogs, Abstract Musings and Focus with Pixels (more about that in a moment), links from del.icio.us, and of course, photos on Flickr in an attempt to make this more of a digital hub for and about myself. Things will probably evolve over time, and there are still some glitches here and there, and as I find the time I plan on tidying them up, but for now I am hard at work on a new project.
Last summer, an off-line friend who visited my blog on a regular basis chastised me for not posting more frequently. I realized after our conversation I was spending more of my time online at Flickr, posting photos of my own, while viewing and commenting on other people’s photos. Photography was not only becoming a time consuming hobby, but also an online habit forming hobby. With that realization, I found myself looking to setup a photoblog on robbyedwards.com.
Soon after, I started to re-design this site with the goal of turning it into a photoblog. As I was casting about for a creative title for the soon to be photoblog, I read the following quote from Ansel Adams, “When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” That seemed to be an accurate description of my state of mind, so I adopted the title “Focus with Pixels” for my new project. I chose to use the word pixels because most of my photography these days is digital. It also helped that the domain was available. Once I bought the domain, then I was stuck with what to do with this site once again. My original design for Focus with Pixels involved the aggregation of my other online content, so I decided to rip it out of the template for Focus with Pixels, and then create something new for robbyedwards.com.
So that is how I got here. My goal for Focus with Pixels is to highlight some of my favorite photos and some photos I might not put on Flickr, or possibly before I put them on Flickr. There will be some overlap between the two, undoubtedly. I am working on the finishing touches for Focus with Pixels, and once it is ready, I’ll announce it loud and clear right here.