…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Daily Archive

Realizing that I left my cellphone at home. I rarely think about it when I have it. But now that it is missing, I feel naked without it. (Via Twitter)

Reality Me » Knoxville Street Views Happening Now

Reality Me » Knoxville Street Views Happening Now Google Street Views is photographing Knoxville. I wonder if that includes Oak Ridge.

None of that wimpy softcover action for you, no sir. You’re a man — or woman, presumably — of hard living, and you demand that your books be able to take care of themselves. Softcovers, books that require coddling, are worthless to you. Unless it can survive unscathed beneath the pedals of a Land Rover […]

Mz. Em works on her “chop”. (via netdoc73)

Mz. Em enjoys her barnyard after dinner. (via netdoc73)

Grandpa and Mz. Em show off their school allegiance. (via netdoc73)

Mom and granddaughter enjoying a great fall day in the Park. (via netdoc73)

Fall color on the road to Cataloochee. (via netdoc73)

A “Chamber of Commerce” view. (via netdoc73)

Down the Road: Cataloochee Great Smoky Mountains National Park, October 2007 

Soooo Big!!!: Halloween 2007 A friend of ours taught Emily to raise her hands when she hears the phrase, “So big.” Now, she does it spontaneously, but raises only one hand up in the air.