…just wait until I really get going!

February 2008

Monthly Archive

Feb 29

Condé Nast Portfolio has a look at the features of the new $5 bill, and an overview of the history of the denomination. (via Daring Fireball)

Hidden Falls: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003

On the Way to Inspiration Point: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003 During our second day in Grand Teton NP, we crossed Jenny Lake by boat and then hiked up to Inspiration Point passing by Hidden Falls along the way.

Complexity = FAIL!

The word ‘technology’ simply refers to machinery and equipment developed for a specific purpose. Some tools of technology are complicated, like atom smashers and the space shuttle. Most aren’t, like hammers and potato peelers. Somehow, ‘technology’ became synonymous with ‘computer’, and computers are highly complex and mystical machines that only the most intelligent among us can operate, right? Wrong.

The tools we use to communicate and manage our lives aren’t restricted to an elite coven of über-nerds or business people.

Or, at least, they shouldn’t be.

—Dave Caolo: “Complexity is a necessary byproduct of the modern age.” – Wrong
(via Cameron Hunt)

Golden Gate

Golden Gate

Golden Gate by Robby Edwards

Feb 28

Moss on a Tree

Moss on a Tree

Moss on a Tree by Robby Edwards

Jon Hicks shares some sketches and other images for the icon he created for Clearleft’s secretive new project, Silverback.

Network Solutions sued for domain tasting

Network Solutions sued for domain tasting marco: It’s about time. Here’s how their scam works: ICANN allows a 5-day refund period for registered domains. Anyone can buy a domain, hold it for 5 days, and return it for a total cost of $0. This policy has been used by legitimate people approximately 0 times, since […]

marco: Why is Argentina completely empty on Google Maps?

Hex Silliness

Hex Silliness nostrich: Remember when you were young and got endless pleasure from typing 8008135 into your calculator? Here’s what hex values like #B00B1E and #101CA7 look like. Brilliant.

Thomas Hawk lists his top ten sites to photograph during a visit to San Francisco. If you check out my San Francisco collection on Flickr, you’ll notice that I made it to a few of these. I guess, I’ll have to save the others for my next visit.

Allow vs. Enable

To me, software which enables customers to do something leaves them in charge, whereas software which allows assumes that the developer is in charge.

—Nick Bradbury: Allow vs. Enable