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March 2008

Monthly Archive

Mar 18

The Internet Has Always Been Social

The idea is that the new web, ‘Web 2.0’, is introducing the concept of social networks to the internet as opposed to the ‘old’ web which was just corporate marketing. Of course this is ridiculous. If the internet has ever had a single defining feature, it is its social nature. The internet was originally nothing but interpersonal communication. Anyone remember bulletin boards, Usenet?

—Glenn Slaven: Everything old is new again

The Strip

The Strip

The Strip by Robby Edwards

Mar 17

Before the Show: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 During this visit most of Norris Geyser Basin was off limits due to an increase in temperature. Only the path from the visitor center to Echinus Geyser was open. This was our view of Echinus Geyser when we arrived. We had read somewhere that when the pool […]

Back at work

Red Rock Canyon

Red Rock Canyon

Red Rock Canyon by Robby Edwards

Mar 16

Lake Mead

Lake Mead

Lake Mead by Robby Edwards

Little Critters

Little Critters

Little Critters by Robby Edwards

Styling BUTTONS, and achieving sliding doors with them – Robert’s talk – Web development and Internet trends

Styling BUTTONS, and achieving sliding doors with them – Robert’s talk – Web development and Internet trends Styling the button element with CSS

Style tables with CSS – Friendly Bit

Style tables with CSS – Friendly Bit Nice tips on styling tables with CSS

Mar 15

The Air Force is retiring the F-117 ‘stealth’ fighter.

Some tips for photography in bright, midday sun from Digital Photography School.

Jason Kottke looks back at ten years of publishing on the web.