…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

March 2008

Monthly Archive

Mar 5

wTNINAMZo6702wmyhh6sFXUp samreich: Dear Tumblr, Thanks for including me in your Staff Picks section. In return, here’s original AOL voiceover artist El Edwards doing custom sounds for Tumblr. I hope you can include them in version 4. Thanks again, Sam

Morning Light on Teewinot: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003 This was taken from our campsite at Jenny Lake during sunrise our last morning in Grand Teton National Park.

Rest in peace, Trinitron.

Could an unemployed psychologist win the Netflix challenge? It seems to me that incorporating psychology into a recommendation engine would definitely improve it. (via Slashdot)

We Can’t All Be Tolkien…

I have always figured that Tolkein was the exception:

Now, I realize this sort of de-romanticizes my world building process: those of you who imagine I have a detailed bible of the entire history and ethnography of the OMW universe will be undoubtedly disappointed to learn that I mostly just make stuff about that universe, as needed, as I go along. But what can I say. We can’t all be Tolkien and develop three different languages and five thousand years of history for our worlds before we feel sufficiently comfortable to tell a story in the place. Nor, really, would I want to be: That’s just too much effort.

—John Scalzi: Things I Don’t Know About My Own Universe

CSS Trick: Creating a Body-Border – CSS-Tricks

CSS Trick: Creating a Body-Border – CSS-Tricks Nice little CSS enhancement for creating a body border

Opening birthday gifts

Mar 4

Are table based layouts the next big thing? With CSS tables being included in IE 8, it seems to be an idea whose time may come. (via Simon Willison)

i love typography: A Guide to Web Typography. Four things to remember to really make web typography stand out.

My Birthday Gift


Windswept by Robby Edwards

Activating Browser Modes with Doctype

Activating Browser Modes with Doctype A primer on doctype switching

Natalie Jost shares a tip for automatically inserting a photo and caption into posts using wordpress. I will be using a similar technique for my photoblog.