…documenting the minutiae that is my life

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Daily Archive

CSS Qualified Selectors //

CSS Qualified Selectors //

Chris Shiflett: Foiling Cross-Site Attacks

Chris Shiflett: Foiling Cross-Site Attacks Information on XSS and CSRF and how to prevent them

Bear Lake

Bear Lake

Bear Lake by Robby Edwards

CSS Variables

CSS Variables Variables allow to define stylesheet-wide values identified by a token and usable in all CSS declarations.

Advanced CSS Cursors – Increase Usability With A Pointer

Advanced CSS Cursors – Increase Usability With A Pointer

» How to Create a Tag Grid and Evolve Past the Cloud :: Positive Space :: The Graphic Design Blog • Webliography

» How to Create a Tag Grid and Evolve Past the Cloud :: Positive Space :: The Graphic Design Blog • Webliography An alternative to the tag cloud

How I’m using Amazon S3 to serve media files |

How I’m using Amazon S3 to serve media files |

Played Rock Band with some friends (and their kids) over the weekend. Enjoyed it a lot; more than I thought I would.

Badlands After a Rain: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, South Unit, September 2003

North Dakota Badlands in B&W: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Unit, September 2003