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June 2008

Monthly Archive

Jun 17

Reflection in Oxbow Bend

Reflection in Oxbow Bend

Reflection in Oxbow Bend by Robby Edwards

The Paragraph in Web Typography & Design โ€” Jon Tan

The Paragraph in Web Typography & Design โ€” Jon Tan Paragraphs as an element of web design

Block Quotes and Pull Quotes: Examples and Good Practices

Block Quotes and Pull Quotes: Examples and Good Practices Tips on designing effective quotes from Smashing Magazine

hCard Validator

hCard Validator Check your hCard microformats for conformance

Grid masking | Veerle’s blog

Grid masking | Veerle’s blog Great walkthrough for creating a mask and then applying it to an image

A List Apart: Faux Absolute Positioning

A List Apart: Faux Absolute Positioning A new layout technique that simulates absolute positioning

A List Apart: Sketching in Code: the Magic of Prototyping

A List Apart: Sketching in Code: the Magic of Prototyping Using prototypes in web development

Badlands Wall: Badlands National Park, September 2003

Black and White Badlands: Badlands National Park, September 2003

Jun 16

Tetons in the Moonlight

Tetons in the Moonlight

Tetons in the Moonlight by Robby Edwards

mapicon Factory by CartoSoft

mapicon Factory by CartoSoft Create mapping icons

First View: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 Our first view of the Lower Geyser Basin. We could see the geysers of the Fountain Paint Pot area.