…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Daily Archive Open Source Ma.gnolia site

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My Two Favorite Girls: July 2008

Playing Motorboat: Naperville, IL, July 2008 During our visit with some family, we spent part of an afternoon walking around the Riverwalk located in downtown Naperville. The Riverwalk was built by residents of Naperville in 1981 to commemorate the city’s 150th birthday. While we were resting in the shade of a large tree, Daddy entertained […]

Waiting for the Bus: Dearborn, Michigan, July 2008 We visited Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI on our recent trip to visit some family. Emily was a great sport while we visited the Rouge Production Facility and the museum. She took one nap in her stroller, ate a great lunch, and didn’t fuss as long […]