Web Use Project: Papers Online user behavior studies and data
Bison in Jackson Hole: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003
Reflection in Oxbow Bend by Robby Edwards
The Paragraph in Web Typography & Design โ Jon Tan Paragraphs as an element of web design
Block Quotes and Pull Quotes: Examples and Good Practices Tips on designing effective quotes from Smashing Magazine
hCard Validator Check your hCard microformats for conformance
Grid masking | Veerle’s blog Great walkthrough for creating a mask and then applying it to an image
A List Apart: Faux Absolute Positioning A new layout technique that simulates absolute positioning
A List Apart: Sketching in Code: the Magic of Prototyping Using prototypes in web development
Badlands Wall: Badlands National Park, September 2003
Black and White Badlands: Badlands National Park, September 2003
Tetons in the Moonlight by Robby Edwards
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Email: robbyedwards[at]gmail[dot]com
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