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Yearly Archive

May 11

Dead Trees Standing

Dead Trees Standing

Dead Trees Standing by Robby Edwards

My Two Favorite Girls: March 2008

Waving At You: May 2008 Emily waves all the time now. She waves hello and goodbye, and also waves at people to get their attention.

Let Me Touch Your Camera: March 2008

May 10

Let Me Touch Your Camera

Let Me Touch Your Camera

Let Me Touch Your Camera by Robby Edwards

Chili Grins

Chili Grins

Chili Grins by Robby Edwards

Push Me, Daddy!: April 2008

Chili Grins: April 2008 Looks like someone enjoys chili.

May 9

Alluvial Fan

Alluvial Fan

Alluvial Fan by Robby Edwards


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Little Lamb: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, September 2003 As Rachelle and I hiked along the Presidents trail, we passed by a small group of Rocky Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus) grazing next to the trail. Mountain goats are not native to the Black Hills. The goats, which now number about 200, can trace their ancestry to […]

Blasting Away: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 Riverside Geyser erupts.