Mar 6
Mar 5
∞ Could an unemployed psychologist win the Netflix challenge? It seems to me that incorporating psychology into a recommendation engine would definitely improve it. (via Slashdot)
We Can’t All Be Tolkien…
I have always figured that Tolkein was the exception:
“Now, I realize this sort of de-romanticizes my world building process: those of you who imagine I have a detailed bible of the entire history and ethnography of the OMW universe will be undoubtedly disappointed to learn that I mostly just make stuff about that universe, as needed, as I go along. But what can I say. We can’t all be Tolkien and develop three different languages and five thousand years of history for our worlds before we feel sufficiently comfortable to tell a story in the place. Nor, really, would I want to be: That’s just too much effort.”
—John Scalzi: Things I Don’t Know About My Own Universe