…documenting the minutiae that is my life

January 2010

Monthly Archive

Jan 31

robbyedwards: RT @rgowan: After today I’m convinced God made snow to help parents bond with their kids. He thinks of everything.

robbyedwards: RT @rgowan: After today I’m convinced God made snow to help parents bond with their kids. He thinks of everything.

Jan 28

Keith Clark – IE CSS3 pseudo-class selectors

Keith Clark – IE CSS3 pseudo-class selectors Provides support for CSS3 selectors in Internet Explorer

Jan 27

robbyedwards: Hanging out with my coworkers. — at Downtown Grill & Brewery

robbyedwards: Hanging out with my coworkers. — at Downtown Grill & Brewery

robbyedwards: Setting up my new office. — at Bluegill Creative

robbyedwards: Setting up my new office. — at Bluegill Creative

Jan 25

robbyedwards: Congrats Saints and Colts! Looking forward to a great Superbowl game.

robbyedwards: Congrats Saints and Colts! Looking forward to a great Superbowl game.

Jan 21

robbyedwards: RT @bluegillcreativ …we’re finally moving offices today to the historic Cherokee Mills building…

robbyedwards: RT @bluegillcreativ …we’re finally moving offices today to the historic Cherokee Mills building…

Jan 19

AdFreak: Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign

AdFreak: Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign Archive of the ‘Get a Mac’ ads from Apple

CSS Transitions 101 | Webdesigner Depot

CSS Transitions 101 | Webdesigner Depot Tips for using CSS3 transitions

YouTube « Support —

YouTube « Support — YouTube video support for WordPress

Jan 13

robbyedwards: RT @superpixels: Ha! “Paris Hilton has paid more dues than Lane Kiffin” from ESPN:

robbyedwards: RT @superpixels: Ha! “Paris Hilton has paid more dues than Lane Kiffin” from ESPN:

robbyedwards: RT @wesrucker: Asked what he knew about interim HC Kippy Brown, LaMarcus Thompson said “He’s a Tennessee guy, like us, and he wants to b …

robbyedwards: RT @wesrucker: Asked what he knew about interim HC Kippy Brown, LaMarcus Thompson said “He’s a Tennessee guy, like us, and he wants to b …

robbyedwards: RT @wesrucker: #Vols DE Gerald Williams: “We were Tennessee before Coach Kiffin got here, and we’ll be Tennessee when he leaves.”

robbyedwards: RT @wesrucker: #Vols DE Gerald Williams: “We were Tennessee before Coach Kiffin got here, and we’ll be Tennessee when he leaves.”