…a few little things I have found

August 2010

Monthly Archive

Aug 29

Unstink Your Company Blog : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum

Unstink Your Company Blog : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum Blogging for business

CSS Webkit Appearance | Trent Walton

CSS Webkit Appearance | Trent Walton Cancelling or modifying Safari’s built in OS UI defaults for form elements

WebKit HTML5 Search Inputs | CSS-Tricks

WebKit HTML5 Search Inputs | CSS-Tricks Using the search value for the input attribute in Webkit browsers

Aug 28

When can I use…

When can I use… What browsers support which parts of the HTML5 & CCS3 specs


Modernizr Javascript detection of browser support for various aspects of HTML5

John Resig – HTML5 Shiv

John Resig – HTML5 Shiv Getting IE to play nicely with HTML5 elements

Dynamic favicons

Dynamic favicons Use javascript to alter a favicon

HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome.

HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome. Starting point for modern web development with HTML5 and CSS3 (including mobile development)

Code Standards | Isobar

Code Standards | Isobar Web development best practices

code · How to Centre and Layout Pages Without a Wrapper

code · How to Centre and Layout Pages Without a Wrapper Using the body tag as a layout wrapper

robbyedwards: Thanks @jfloyd — I will check it out.

robbyedwards: Thanks @jfloyd — I will check it out.

Aug 27

CSS Media Query for Mobile is Fool’s Gold « Cloud Four

CSS Media Query for Mobile is Fool’s Gold « Cloud Four The pitfalls of using CSS Media Query for mobile development