…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

Daily Archive

So though this is a fine time to push the politics of scandal — because occasionally, politics is substantive — it would be more constructive for the GOP to push for tax and IRS reform. David Harsanyi, Let’s Get the IRS Out of the Speech Business

The progressive answer to this is more rules and regulators, more agencies and safeguards and accountability projects. Republicans should recognize this intervention for the ridiculousness it is – creating more federal entities to watch over federal entities – and focus their arguments instead on the only solution which will actually work: removing power from the […]

What happened at the IRS is the government’s essential business. The IRS case deserves and calls out for an independent counsel, fully armed with all that position’s powers. Only then will stables that badly need to be cleaned, be cleaned. Everyone involved in this abuse of power should pay a price, because if they don’t, […]