…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Daily Archive

Apple, open and learning from history — Benedict Evans

Apple, open and learning from history — Benedict Evans In other words, Apple has product/market fit in the phone market in a way that it never had in the personal computer market. ALL of the key dynamics that doomed it in the computer market are fundamentally different in the phone market – this time, they […]

strat?chery by Ben Thompson | Thorsten Heins Is Not an Idiot, But He May Be a Fool

strat?chery by Ben Thompson | Thorsten Heins Is Not an Idiot, But He May Be a Fool Blackberry’s future – if it has one – is that of a niche device, able to fully participate in a cloud-connected world that can never be dominated by any one platform. The fact their CEO envisions the opposite […]

strat?chery by Ben Thompson | Apple and the Innovator’s Dilemma

strat?chery by Ben Thompson | Apple and the Innovator’s Dilemma Design at its essence, is not just about form, and not just about function. Instead, it?s both, and more. It is ultimately about the user and delivering exactly what they need, not just what they say they want. That is the exact reason Apple is […]

This is not a political scandal. The implications of unchecked abuses of executive power extend way beyond the battle for Congress in 2014. There are real public-policy issues at hand, such as making sure that citizens who try to obtain health-care coverage through Obamacare are not subject to the same selective abuse by unelected paper-pushers. […]

Yahoo Tumblrs for Cool: Board Approves $1.1 Billion Deal as Expected – Kara Swisher – Media – AllThingsD

Yahoo Tumblrs for Cool: Board Approves $1.1 Billion Deal as Expected – Kara Swisher – Media – AllThingsD So the hot new rumor is that Yahoo is buying Tumblr. Wait, for some reason this seems familiar.