…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

May 2013

Monthly Archive

May 8

“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency”

“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency” One of the problems with the prevalence of solutions is it overvalues invention and undervalues behavior. We look for a gizmo, when changing how we act can have the desired effect. It seems like we’ve been hoodwinked into a trap of technological dependency. But, technology is only as good or bad […] – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector Using the :empty selector

May 7

The single biggest fallacy I want to blow up is this utopian idea that there is this SINGLE thing called ‘The Cloud’. Each company today reinvents their own cloud. The Cloud as a concept is dead and has been for years: we are living within a stormy sky of cranky clouds, all trying to pretend […]

May 5

Code in letters sent home by British PoW in WWII to help Allies is revealed after 70 years | Mail Online

Code in letters sent home by British PoW in WWII to help Allies is revealed after 70 years | Mail Online How a 70 year old code was rediscovered

May 2

A look at the history behind the opening credits in cinema. (Source: