…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

October 2013

Monthly Archive

Oct 31

“Princess Bride” star Patinkin reveals his favorite line in the film | CBSTV Videos – Yahoo Screen

“Princess Bride” star Patinkin reveals his favorite line in the film | CBSTV Videos – Yahoo Screen Nice interview with Mandy Patinkin reflecting on his role in The Princess Bride.

iOS 7 colors

iOS 7 colors Swatches for colors and gradients used in iOS 7

12 Awesome CSS3 Features That You Can Finally Start Using | Tutorialzine

12 Awesome CSS3 Features That You Can Finally Start Using | Tutorialzine Information on 12 CSS3 features that have broad support among the latest browsers

Oct 18

Boy Writes To Deadliest Man, Gets Response – Business Insider

Boy Writes To Deadliest Man, Gets Response – Business Insider Very cool story. Is a Navy SEAL quieter than a ninja? Six-year-old Walker Greentree is a kid in a military family who was determined to find out, so he wrote to Admiral William McRaven.

The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout – The Daily Beast

The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout – The Daily Beast is a colossal, expensive failure that projects a 1970s-era DMV experience into cyberspace. Ouch!

Oct 17

WP Test | The Best Tests For WordPress

WP Test | The Best Tests For WordPress Test data for WordPress themes

Oct 15

Exploring a Corn Maze

Exploring a corn maze (at The Fruit And Berry Patch)

It would seem that even the bison at Grand Teton National Park don’t like the national parks being shut down. (Source:

Oct 10

parislemon: stoweboyd: explore-blog: Should you check your email? This brilliant (and tragicomically true) illustrated flowchart by Wendy MacNaughton is now officially one of the best infographics of the year. If you wander through this there is no option for ever checking email from co-workers. No.

npr: Everyone the U.S. Government Owes Money To, in One Graph (via Planet Money)

Oct 9


Keypress Keypress is an input capture library with some very special features.