…documenting the minutiae that is my life

November 2013

Monthly Archive

Nov 26


Nov 25

Unicode support on browsers and devices

Unicode support on browsers and devices Device support for unicode characters

Responsive scrollable tables

Responsive scrollable tables A solution for data tables that are too wide for a container area

Styleguide | MapBox

Styleguide | MapBox Style guide for web development from MapBox

Nov 13
2013 – The Most Honored Photograph – The Most Honored Photograph Great story about the most decorated combat flight in U. S. history.

Nov 8

Everpix, Snapchat, and The Startup Lie

Everpix, Snapchat, and The Startup Lie If you’re an engineer readying a product launch I urge you to focus on creating a sustainable business, instead of buying into the belief that acquisition paydays and venture capital is the best way to operate.

Nov 7

Git Cheatsheet

Git Cheatsheet An interactive git cheat sheet

Wallop Slider

Wallop Slider Image carousel animated by CSS transitions

Pattern Library | MailChimp

Pattern Library | MailChimp MailChimp’s pattern library for web development

Nov 5

Can’t wait! Not long now. (Source:

Nov 1

Getting Started with the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser

Getting Started with the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser API for building Javascript applications with access to Amazon Web Services