Solitary in Iran Nearly Broke Me. Then I Went Inside America’s Prisons. | Mother Jones A look at California’s prison system from an unusual perspective.
Blogged by helloMuller. – On so-called Flat Design. This post provides some history for the flat design trend. (Hint: it’s been around for awhile.) Something that in itself has been around since the mid 90s, when it was simply interactive or web design that was labelled “minimal” or “clean”.
The Argument Isn’t Skeuomorphic vs. Flat — Design/UX — Medium In a world where more and more people are interested in the relationship between design and the internet, we’re teaching them to think that graphic design is nothing more than a style preference. The whole skeuomorphic vs. flat debate is really distracting from what matters. […]
Use Cases and Requirements for Standardizing Responsive Images This document captures the use cases and requirements for standardizing a solution for responsive images
“But is it really good ol’ ’shine?” parislemon: Josh Sanburn on the resurgence of moonshine — yes, moonshine: As moonshine creeps into the mainstream, however, there are some in Appalachia who question whether a spirit that’s aboveboard — and regulated and taxed by the government – can truly be considered moonshine. It may be unaged […]