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Yearly Archive

May 14

Shirky: Social Software and the Politics of Groups

Shirky: Social Software and the Politics of Groups Prior to the Web, we had hundreds of years of experience with broadcast media, from printing presses to radio and TV. Prior to email, we had hundreds of years experience with personal media — the telegraph, the telephone. But outside the internet, we had almost nothing that […]

May 10

Color Pickers – Nathan Speller

Color Pickers – Nathan Speller Color picker that shows color palettes based on images from Dribbble

In defense of

In defense of Tips for using <canvas>

May 8

“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency”

“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency” One of the problems with the prevalence of solutions is it overvalues invention and undervalues behavior. We look for a gizmo, when changing how we act can have the desired effect. It seems like we’ve been hoodwinked into a trap of technological dependency. But, technology is only as good or bad […] – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector Using the :empty selector

May 7

The single biggest fallacy I want to blow up is this utopian idea that there is this SINGLE thing called ‘The Cloud’. Each company today reinvents their own cloud. The Cloud as a concept is dead and has been for years: we are living within a stormy sky of cranky clouds, all trying to pretend […]

May 5

Code in letters sent home by British PoW in WWII to help Allies is revealed after 70 years | Mail Online

Code in letters sent home by British PoW in WWII to help Allies is revealed after 70 years | Mail Online How a 70 year old code was rediscovered

May 2

A look at the history behind the opening credits in cinema. (Source:

Apr 30

Making accessible icon buttons | NCZOnline

Making accessible icon buttons | NCZOnline Various techniques for making graphical buttons accessible

Apr 28

I know jQuery. Now what?

I know jQuery. Now what? When to use jQuery, and when not to use it

weaning yourself off jquery

weaning yourself off jquery Native javascript to replace jQuery

My Media Query Mixin | Always Twisted. Front-End Development.

My Media Query Mixin | Always Twisted. Front-End Development. Useful media query mixins for SASS