“Princess Bride” star Patinkin reveals his favorite line in the film | CBSTV Videos – Yahoo Screen Nice interview with Mandy Patinkin reflecting on his role in The Princess Bride.
12 Awesome CSS3 Features That You Can Finally Start Using | Tutorialzine Information on 12 CSS3 features that have broad support among the latest browsers
Boy Writes To Deadliest Man, Gets Response – Business Insider Very cool story. Is a Navy SEAL quieter than a ninja? Six-year-old Walker Greentree is a kid in a military family who was determined to find out, so he wrote to Admiral William McRaven.
The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout – The Daily Beast Healthcare.gov is a colossal, expensive failure that projects a 1970s-era DMV experience into cyberspace. Ouch!