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Tag Archive

Sep 6

The Microsoft-Nokia Deal: Risks and Messiness –

The Microsoft-Nokia Deal: Risks and Messiness – David Pogue on the sale of Nokia’s mobile business to Microsoft: This is a goofball purchase that will have absolutely zero impact on Windows Phone’s fortunes in the world — except perhaps to sink them entirely.

Jun 21

shortformblog: The difference between Google and Bing.

Jun 6

Windows 8.1 given first official outing, and yes, the Start button is back | Ars Technica

Windows 8.1 given first official outing, and yes, the Start button is back | Ars Technica Another article on Ars Technica detailing the changes in Windows 8.1.

A video showing new features coming in Windows 8.1, such as better multitasking, better customization for the start screen (animated backgrounds, using the desktop background and more tile sizes) and improved search. Mostly focuses on the start screen, but does contain a glimpse of the desktop and the start button. The ability of use the […]

May 23

In case you missed the Xbox One announcement, here’s a two minute summary. Seems the Xbox One is all about TV, sports and Call of Duty. (Source:

May 6

Why DRM Is Evil

Mark Pilgrim explains what is going to happen on August 31, 2008. In the process he skewers Digital Rights Management:

Microsoft named this developer platform “PlaysForSure”, and they (and their partners) ran many, many ads decrying the fact that music purchased from Apple’s iTunes Music Store would “only” play in iTunes and on iPods. This was, technically speaking, true — and indeed it is still true, and it is why I have cautioned Dora and you and anyone else who would listen that you should never “purchase” anything from the iTunes Music Store that you might want to “own” longer than Apple was willing to allow. Nor should you “purchase” anything from a “PlaysForSure”-compatible music store, and for the same reasons, only with the word “Apple” crossed out and “Microsoft” written in in crayon.

To their credit, if that’s the right word, you can now purchase some music from the iTunes store that is unencrypted and plays anywhere. Apple calls these songs “iTunes Plus”, because it sounds so much better than calling everything else “iTunes Minus.” Apple has also promoted podcasts and other non-traditional sources of “things you might want to download onto our handheld devices where we make all of our money.” Steve is many things, but he is not an idiot.

To demonstrate the awesomeness of their developer platform, Microsoft opened their own online store, MSN Music, so they could compete directly with their business partners who also offered “PlaysForSure”-compatible music downloads. Because there’s nothing end users love more than fake choices.

—Mark Pilgrim: The day the music died [dive into mark]

Mar 2

Windows Music

Feb 26

Background information on the demise of HD-DVD. Is Microsoft to blame? (via Twitter / Faruk Ates)