…where I surf the intertubes for my own amusement

web design

Tag Archive

May 23

Designing blogs for readers – Matt Gemmell

Designing blogs for readers – Matt Gemmell If you write online, make sure that your blog serves your readers’ needs as well as yours, and lends appropriate weight to your well-chosen words. Great advice for designing a blog — including sections on readability, hypertext etiquette, responsiveness, utility for the reader, SEO considerations, and elements to […]

Jan 10

I think this is something to remember when we’re coming up solutions to “dealing with” older versions of Internet Explorer: whether it’s a dumb solution like mine or a clever solution like Jake’s, we shouldn’t have to do this. We shouldn’t have to worry about IE7 just like we don’t have to worry about Netscape […]

Mar 15

Jason Kottke looks back at ten years of publishing on the web.

Mar 4

Are table based layouts the next big thing? With CSS tables being included in IE 8, it seems to be an idea whose time may come. (via Simon Willison)

i love typography: A Guide to Web Typography. Four things to remember to really make web typography stand out.