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August 2007

Monthly Archive

Aug 22

On a Rocky Shore: Acadia National Park, August 2007 (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Aug 21

14 rules for fast web pages (Skrentablog)

14 rules for fast web pages (Skrentablog)

Google LatLong: YouTube-style Embeddable Maps

Google LatLong: YouTube-style Embeddable Maps

Aug 20

Robby Edwards: Back at work after a week of vacation in New England. The weather up there was wonderful, but we came home to hot and humid. Ugh!!! (via Twitter / Robby Edwards)

At the Edge of the World: Acadia National Park, August 2007 Standing atop Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park and seeing the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean before me, I felt as though I was standing at the very edge of the world. We had a great time in Maine. Acadia is a beautiful […]

Aug 10

WordPress tips and tricks – custom login page » Binary Moon » The home of Ben Gillbanks

WordPress tips and tricks – custom login page » Binary Moon » The home of Ben Gillbanks

Aug 9

Lower Falls: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 A view of the 308 foot plunge of the Lower Falls. This is a scan of the original negative. It was shot on B+W film. My main camera at the time was a 35mm SLR, but we packed my old point and click APS camera with black and […]

Aug 8

Hello world!

I have been remiss in not writing this post for some time. I hope this will serve as an explanation of what I have been up to, and where things will go around here in the future.

Aug 6

De Chelly Scenery: Canyon de Chelly National Monument, September 2001 (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Aug 3

Make Your Own Moleskine-Like-Notebook

Make Your Own Moleskine-Like-Notebook

How To: Use Gmail over IMAP and tag your mail, too – Download Squad

How To: Use Gmail over IMAP and tag your mail, too – Download Squad

Looking Down the Canyon (via Photos from Robby Edwards)