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Yearly Archive

Apr 28

Quotes and Accents

Quotes and Accents Quick guide to special characters

List of pseudo-elements to style form controls by TJ VanToll

List of pseudo-elements to style form controls by TJ VanToll Styling form controls using pseudo-elements with examples

Viewport Sized Typography | CSS-Tricks

Viewport Sized Typography | CSS-Tricks Using the CSS3 viewport relative sizing units (vw, vh)

Apr 25


Apr 24

My four year old, Julia, read a book to her momma. (Source:

Apr 23

Fair Use Fearmongering, from Friends? (What happened to Waxy was terrible, but fair use works better than he thinks it does)

Fair Use Fearmongering, from Friends? (What happened to Waxy was terrible, but fair use works better than he thinks it does)

Apr 18

Burkhard Bilger: A New Era in Mars Exploration : The New Yorker

Burkhard Bilger: A New Era in Mars Exploration : The New Yorker By the time Earth took its first breath three billion years ago, geologists now believe, Mars had been suffocating for a billion years. The air had thinned and rivers evaporated; dust storms swept up and ice caps seized what was left of the […]

Apr 17

How well this attack succeeds depends much less on what happened in Boston than by our reactions in the coming weeks and months. Terrorism isn’t primarily a crime against people or property. It’s a crime against our minds, using the deaths of innocents and destruction of property as accomplices. When we react from fear, when […]

Portland/CreativeMornings – Andy Baio (Source:

Apr 16

So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, ’The good outnumber you, and we always will.’ Patton Oswalt, on his Facebook page

Apr 9

The purpose of an article page is to read the article. It’s not to show an advertisement. It’s not to get a click. It’s not to create a lead. It’s not to read related or recommended items. It’s to read the damn article! I think this sort of thing happens because nobody really believes they’re […]

If buyers start asking ‘does it have Facebook Home?’ — and I think many will — that will be bad news for both Google and Apple. However, the Google – Facebook war is sure to be more vicious than the Google – Apple war because Google and Facebook have the same customers: advertisers. Users are […]